Author of the award-winning essay collection, The Girls of Usually, Lori Horvitz’ creative nonfiction has appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies including The Laurel Review, North Dakota Quarterly, The New York Times, Hobart, Epiphany, South Dakota Review, Redivider, Chattahoochee Review, The Guardian, Bustle, and Hotel Amerika. Her essays have been included in two Seal Press anthologies: P.S.: What I Didn’t Say: Unsent Letters to Our Female Friends and Dear John, I’m in Love With Jane. She has been awarded writing fellowships from Brush Creek, Fundación Valparaiso, The Ragdale Foundation, Yaddo, Cottages at Hedgebrook, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Vermont Studio Center, and Blue Mountain Center. Furthermore, she served as co-organizer of the Women’s March on Asheville in 2017 and 2019. Professor Emeritus at UNC Asheville, Horvitz received a Ph.D. in English from SUNY Albany, and an MFA in Creative Writing from Brooklyn College.